Bangurambona Fides*(1) Japhet Ndayisenga (2)
(1,2) University of Burundi in Institute of Physical Education and Sports
Email: fidesbangura@gmail.com, ndayisengajaphet@gmail.com, japhet.ndayisenga@ub.edu.bi
Corresponding Author: Bangurambona Fides
Email: fidesbangura@gmail.com
Given the distance, energy consumption and physical challenge football referees face during matches, it is crucial that their speed, endurance, and strength are enhanced. In this perspective, this One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design quasi-experimental research aims to (a) validate a mixed-training program to enhance Primus League football referees’ speed, endurance, and strength. The research also aims to (b) gather evidence on the program's reliability and effectiveness. The sample consisted of 15 Primus League football referees (n=15) who attended a five-week training program with sessions held thrice weekly. During an expert panel, eight Fitness and Vitality Enhancement (FVE) professionals validated the program, and later, the replicability estimation indicated the high reliability of the training program-related tests (ICC=0.77). The normality assumption was verified, and the results obtained through paired-sample t-test, with related sig.<0.025, indicated the intervention program's effectiveness, except for the speed component, for which there was not enough evidence of the referees’ improvement. With bigger sample sizes, it is recommended that the relation between the referees’ age, body mass, and speed be established to shed light on the reason for the speed component's statistical insignificance.
Keywords: mix-training program, speed, endurance, strength, football referees