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11–15 nov. 2024
Campus Mutanga
Fuseau horaire Africa/Bujumbura

Hindrances to the Translation of the East African Community Policy Documents from English to Kiswahili

13 nov. 2024, 09:15
Amphitheatre 9/1-1 - Amphitheatre 9 (Campus Mutanga)

Amphitheatre 9/1-1 - Amphitheatre 9

Campus Mutanga

Langues (locales, régionales et internationales) et développement/ Languages (Local, Regional, and International) and Development Session parallèle 7: CULTURES ET SOCIETES


Fiacre Irankeje (Ecole Doctorale de l'Université du Burundi)


Translation is a medium of intercultural communication in the era of globalization and race to regional integration. The spread of English has caused translation challenges within different regional communities. Documents written in English require translation in order to be understood by people who speak other languages than English (Constales, 2011). Lack of Kiswahili version of East African Community (EAC) policy documents hampers effective communication between the Community’s member states. This study explored obstacles to English into Kiswahili translation of EAC policy documents. The research also assessed the effects of the lack of Kiswahili versions of EAC policy documents on communication within its institutions. Data were collected using questionnaire and interview to achieve the research objectives. Findings showed that EAC lacks financial resources, language service providers and polical will to translate its policies. Therefore, few documents are translated into Kiswahili the lingua franca of the region. The findings also revealed that the lack of Kiswahili translations blocks communication within EAC’s organs. It hence hinders Kiswahili speakers’ communication and refrains learners of Kiswahili as foreign/second language motivation from EAC member states. To ensure effective regional integration, this study recommends that the Community takes adequate steps to ensure all its documents all written in both of its official languages (Kiswahili and English). This includes mobilising enough financial resources to meet the needs alongside employing translation service providers from the region who could do the work at relatively small cost.
Keywords : Communication, East Africa Community, Kiswahili, Language policy, Translation

Auteur principal

Fiacre Irankeje (Ecole Doctorale de l'Université du Burundi)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.