Bienvenue sur la plateforme de gestion des conférences, des salles, des ateliers et autres évènements à l’Université du Burundi

11–15 nov. 2024
Campus Mutanga
Fuseau horaire Africa/Bujumbura

Reconciliation as part of a new care ecology for sustainable peace

14 nov. 2024, 11:30
FSEG/1-1 - Amphitheatre Economie (Campus Mutanga)

FSEG/1-1 - Amphitheatre Economie

Campus Mutanga

Religions, politique et leur interaction dans la promotion de la paix et la réconciliation/ Religions, Politics, and their Interaction in Promoting Peace and Reconciliation Session parallèle 4: GOUVERNANCE, DROIT ET PAIX


Prof. Klaus Baumann (Freiburg University)


There is worldwide agreement that humanity needs an ecology which protects the balance of relationships of life in nature. Ecology, in fact, is the scholarly discipline and practice of investigating what is needed for the „common house“ (oikos) in which humanity and all creatures have their place and space for living. In addition, however, it seems a vital necessity, too, to investigate which kind of care for the relationships we need as human beings among us - starting from the micro-relationships face to face and in families to meso-relationships of groups and local communities to macro-relationships in and between societies and states. For sustainable peaceful living, it takes realism to take seriously the omnipresence of conflicts, the need for dealing with conflicts in a detoxing way and to take commitments for sustainable paths of reconciliation at all levels of social living. This would be part of a new care ecology.

Auteur principal

Prof. Klaus Baumann (Freiburg University)

Documents de présentation