A study on the evaluation of the abundance and diversity of aquatic macrophytes in relation to the trophic state and the physico-chemical quality of water was carried out in four sampling stations of the northern coast of Lake Tanganyika: Labeliane, Kinindo, Old nautical circle and Safi Beach. The overall objective was to assess the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the ecology of biological communities of Lake Tanganyika while the specific objective was to assess the influence of the trophic state and the physico-chemical quality of the Water on the abundance of macrophytes. Indeed, twelve physico-chemical parameters have been analysed. Macrophyte species have also been harvested and identified with herbarium using Troupin's works,the trophic state of the lake was determined using the Trophic State Index (TSI) of Carlson (1977). The results have reflected that nitrogen and phosphorus record High concentrations at Labeliane and Kinindo stations with 2.11mg/L of total phosphorus and 0.95mg/L of nitrates for Labeliane site and 1.19mg/L of total phosphorus against 0.51mgl/L of nitrates for Kinindo site. Regarding to the trophic state, the results show that the waters of the sampling stations are in hypereutrophic status and this could be due to the increase in concentration of total phosphorus and nitrogen from urban, agricultural and industrial waste. In general, the results found show that the physico-chemical parameters and the trophic state of Lake Tanganyika are highly influencing the abundance of macrophytes in all sampled stations.